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PEREK ALEPH (CHAPTER ONE)Sha'ul an eved of Hashem and a Shliach of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, for the furtherance of the [charedi (orthodox)] emunah of the Bechirei Hashem (chosen ones of G-d) and of da'as HaEmes (knowledge of the Truth) as pertains to chasidus [in Moshiach].
|2| The mekor (basis) of this is a tikvah of Chayyei Olam which Hashem--who cannot speak sheker [BAMIDBAR 24:19; SHMUEL ALEF 15:29]--promised before the Yamim HaOlam (days of eternity),
|3| but revealed at the proper time his dvar [Besuras HaGeulah] in the hachrazah (proclamation, kerygma), with which I was entrusted, according to the mitzvat Hashem Moshieynu.
|4| To Titos, beni ha'amitti baEmunah (my true son in the faith), the [orthodox Jewish] emunah shared in common. Chen v'Chesed Hashem and Shalom from Elohim HaAv and Moshiach Yehoshua Moshieynu.
|5| For this reason I left you in Crete that you should set beseder (according to acceptable order) what remains and give messianic s'michah to Zekenim (SHEMOT 12:21) city by city, as I directed you.
|6| If anyone is without reproach, a ba'al isha echat (husband of one wife), his banim being ma'aminim in Moshiach, and not under accusation of debauchery and zenut or sorrut (rebelliousness/ insubordination) [SHMUEL ALEF 2:22],
|7| for it is necessary for the congregational Mashgiach Ruchani to be without reproach as Hashem's mefake'ach al Beis Hashem (steward or supervisor of the House of G-d), not a ba'al gaavah (a haughty person), not quick in ka'as (anger), not a shikkor (drunkard) given to much wine, not violent, not a gelt-loving kamtzen (miser).
|8| Rather, the Mashgiach Ruchani must be a man who practices hachnosas orchim (hospitality), an ohev es haTov (a lover of the good), having seichel, a tzaddik, kadosh (holy), with shlitah atzmi (self-control),
|9| devoted to the faithful hatafah (preaching) of the Besuras HaGeulah, adequate for hora'ah (teaching) that exhorts to [Moshiach's] orthodox Jewish doctrine and for refuting and exposing with conviction the ones speaking against it.
|10| For there are indeed many mitnaggedim (opponents), idle talkers and deceivers, especially the ones of the party of the Mohalim HaGoyim (Circumcisers of Gentiles),
|11| whose mouths it is necessary to stop, who are subverting entire mishpochot (families) by teaching what they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gelt.
|12| A certain one of them, a "navi" of their own number, said, "Cretans are always meshakkrim (liars), wicked beasts, lazy trombeniks (gluttons)."
|13| This edut (testimony) is true, for which cause rebuke them sharply, that they may be orthodox Jewish in [Moshiach's] emunah,
|14| not paying attention to Jewish aggadot and to mitzvot d'Rabbanan (precepts imposed by the rabbis, i.e. which contradict the Kitvei Hakodesh--1C 4:6; DEVARIM 4:2), becoming meshummad (apostate) from HaEmes.
|15| All things are tahor to hatehorim; but, to the ones having been defiled and taking the side of the Apikoros, nothing is tahor, but has been made tameh, both lev and matzpun.
|16| Hashem they profess to know, but by their ma'asim they deny him, being disqualified [for the rabbanut or ministry of Moshiach] and being without mishma'at (obedience), and, as to every one of the ma'asim tovim, unpalatably unkosher (unfit).
But you, speak the things which are suitable to Moshiach's orthodox Jewish doctrine.
|2| Zekenim need to be temperate, respectable, men of seichel, being orthodox [in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] in the emunah, in ahavah, in savlanut (long-suffering).
|3| Similarly the senior women, the Zekanot, in hitnahagut (conduct) as befits kedushah, not yentas of lashon hora nor slaves of wine, but melamedot es haTov (teachers of the Good)
|4| that they may encourage the young nashim to have ahavah for their ba'alim and their banim,
|5| to have seichel, tehorot in tznius, [Aishes Chayil] managers of the Bayit, being tovot, being submissive to their ba'alim, lest Chillul Hashem come to the Dvar HaElohim.
|6| The bochrim, similarly, exhort to have seichel
|7| about all things, showing yourself a mofet of ma'asim tovim. In the hora'ah [of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach], show integrity, seriousness,
|8| along with dibur (speech) that is orthodox [in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] and beyond reproach, that the mitnagged may be brought to bushah (shame), having no lashon hora to say against you.
|9| Avadim (slaves) need to be submissive to their own adonim in everything, to be acceptable, not talking back,
|10| not pilfering, but showing all good reliability, that they may adorn the hora'ah (teaching) of Hashem Moshieynu in all things.
|11| For the Chen v'Chesed of Hashem has appeared, bringing Yeshu'at Eloheynu to kol Bnei Adam,
|12| instructing us to deny all that is frai (irreligious) and not chasidus [in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] and all that is ta'avanut, and to live with seichel and tzedek Hashem and yirat Shomayim in the Olam Hazeh,
|13| awaiting the tikvah hameashsheret (the blessed hope), the appearing of the kavod HaEloheinu HaGadol and Moshieynu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua,
|14| who gave his nefesh on behalf of us, that for us he might bring in the Geulah, redeeming us MI KOL AVONOTAV ("from all Israel's sins " TEHILLIM 130:8), making tahor AM LI SEGULAH ("a people for my possession " --SHEMOT 19:5), zealous for ma'asim tovim.
|15| Preach these things, with words that give chizzak (strengthening) and reprove with all authority. Let no one "write you off."
Remind them to be "V'NISHMA" ("obedient, and we will obey!"--SHEMOT 24:7) to sarim (rulers), to shiltonim (authorities), to be submissive, to be obedient, ready for every ma'aseh tov.
|2| Speak lashon hora of no one, be not ohev riv (quarrelsome). Be eidel (gentle), displaying anavah (meekness) to kol Bnei Adam.
|3| For all of us were once without da'as, sorrarim (disobedient), being led astray, avadim (slaves) of ta'avot and to various ta'anugot (pleasures) of the Olam Hazeh, spending our lives in eyvah (enmity--BERESHIT 3:15) and kina (jealousy), hated, and hating one another.
|4| But when the Chen v'Chesed and the ahavas Hashem Moshieynu appeared to Bnei Adam,
|5| not by tzidkateynu (our righteousness) in ma'asim tovim which is to our zchus (merit), but according to his rachamim, he granted us Yeshu'at Eloheynu through the mikveh mayim ruchani of rebirth and renewing of the Ruach Hakodesh,
|6| which he poured out on us richly through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Moshieynu,
|7| that, having been made YITZDAK IM HASHEM (IYOV 25:4) by the Chen v'Chesed of Hashem, we might become yoreshim (heirs) in the tikvah HaChayyei Olam.
|8| Trustworthy is the dvar Emes. I counsel you to strongly affirm the divrei torah I am handing on to you, that those who have become ma'aminim in Hashem may be shomer for ma'asim tovim. These things to Bnei Adam are good, tov m'od.
|9| But pilpul minutiae controversies and toldot and quarrels and fights about the Torah, avoid, for they are unprofitable hevel.
|10| An ish hacholek (a man of division, a divisive man) after one or two warnings, avoid,
|11| having da'as that such a man is perverted and sinful, bringing harsha'ah (condemnation) upon himself.
|12| When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, try to come to me at Nicopolis, for there I have decided to spend the choref (winter).
|13| Do your utmost to speed Zenas, the Ben Torah Scholar, and Apollos on their way, that nothing for them may be lacking.
|14| Let anshei adateynu (the men of our community) learn to be concerned about ma'asim tovim so as to supply urgent needs, that they may not be lo poreh (unfruitful).
|15| Drishat Shalom from all the ones with me. Drishat Shalom to those who have ahavah for us in the emunah [of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach]. Chen v'Chesed Hashem to all of you.Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha
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